Tuesday, February 23, 2021

neon pastel color glow

   Julie Schenkelberg Streetcar, Detail, 2010 Wood, drywall, sprayfoam, paper, silverware, paint 105" x 125" x 65"

There's a sense of certain degree of violence, distraction. Is this how Julie Schenkelberg sees the world or  is it pretentious?  If sincere, then why portrayed grotesque? Memory is flawless, dream-like. We are left      with no answers, no conclusions in a way frustrated. There's a suggestion of step forward, the world seen as interesting, inspiring, disturbing, grotesque or moving.

                                          I wouldn't see that this show presented memories from
                                          the far past. At first glance the signifiers
                                          seem mundane, from the daily life. Every composition
                                          left me wanting more information but, of course, 
                                          there's no information on why the artist creates in a
                                          chosen style or media.

Art 43 Basel: Art Unlimited