Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Julie Schenkelberg's new art form.

You Will Like What I See 
Paul Jaisini GIF By Re Modernist
Dimensions: 480 x 480 px
Uploaded: 10/14/2014 
Size: 509 KB 
Frames: 15

New in its very core of not being what is expected of an art work, a finalized thought, an outlook on what art is concerned with. This time art presented us with a form of questioning the fluidity of event (scenic art, temporary, movable, to be incorporated into next play, reused.) The means of scenic artist added new dimension  to the white cube space in most ambiguous way.  Inviting interactivity without even hinting that this is not just the installation of artworks. This is actually art that pushes limits of a matter dealing with an object's solidity and finality.

One would wonder what would the new level of “realism” add to the process of “seeing”