Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Super Green thingy!! a la mode Giuseppe Arcimboldo, a la mode Hieronymus Bosch, a la mode Paul Jaisini, a la mode Gleitzeit ...

a la mode Paul Jaisini, a la mode Gleitzeit, People get trapped on the internet without “a warning” that internet would serve you right if you use it for REAL WORK - it is priceless for the amount of info one gets for instance I found all matches on the current topic of INVISIBLE and invisibility. 

Again if it wasn’t for the sources available on the www where people supply and share info I wouldn’t be able to understand the meaning and importance of Paul Jaisini and his Invisible art since the time he destroyed his genius paintings sometime around 1994.
If it wasn’t for the internet I wouldn’t be writing this now as I wouldn’t know about the widespread phenomena and popularity, but the “discovery” made me realize the connection of the social phenomena to the visual art, that is important, when nothing in visual art really connect to the vast unknown dimension of the “real people”. 

Fed Up Love GIF By Re Modernist
Dimensions: 480 x 333 px
Uploaded: 06/5/2015 
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