Thursday, April 22, 2021

Art Basel 43, 2012

Art Basel 43

June 14, 2012 - June 17, 2012

Basel, Switzerland

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Invitation to explore Julie Schenkelberg's Bad Blood @ Asya Geisberg Gallery

 Hopefully this review is the invitation for every other art lover to continue the quest to connect with this amazing art on a personal level to reveal more secrets, hidden treasures, sacred memories and unspoken truths.

Monday, April 19, 2021

Behind The Stage. Review of Julie Schenkelberg Bad Blood @ Asya Geisberg Gallery.

Julie Schenkelberg had her goal accomplished, I think, it is memory, her own turned into the artifact that pulls you into questioning of how we connect to it. How we try to survive the obscurities of the real world driven to the obscurity of art. You also can't but enjoy the degree of narcissistic self-love in the pieces of insignificant material value brought together on a monumental scale to immortalize symbols of past memories.
A visually rough treatment provokes the question how this is different from the things that we throw away every day as not wanted, not useful. This balances heavily on a sense of loss.

Memory pieces stocked up together... some pieces seemed deliberately missing uneven odd but fit just right in a large ensemble of things. Someone says it's brilliant, others -- it's an absolute delusion. Some would say anything nowadays ignite critical engine.
To me this is an interesting reminder of ab ex. Julie's ambition "to paint" in the chosen media is a stoic daring stance to impress with her strong monumental approach that manifests recent tendency of male-female symbiosis in visual art.

Glimpsing to see the future in the "crystal ball" may be startling for the creator. She faces the truth with calm wisdom, inspired to bring order out of chaos, will create chaos out of order. Her will to create is stronger then fear of limitations and unknown. The future is in the process of being formed not jelled enough to be fully predicted and interpreted.

Saturday, April 17, 2021

New Riddle

The decoration framed the gallery this time in a conceptually new way, What this "play" is about, what did it convey? Maybe I could analyze the givens now knowing that I am the part of the play as an actor/viewer. It strikes me how symbolic and always true "life is a theater..."
                    The artist is not just the decorator of the play this time, not just accomplice but the ideologist of her unusual show orchestrating a new riddle for the public. Will they or won't they figure her out... She is watching and waiting to meet those like-minded who want consciously to be a pert of her game/play. The eternal quest of creator in search of the unique artistic identity.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Julie Schenkelberg Bad Blood @ Asya Geisberg Gallery

To flatten multidimensional by the thought. Then to make it flat by multidimensional thinking.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Julie Schenkelberg Bad Blood @ Asya Geisberg

            The piece, I personally name "The Judge" maybe overlooks the view with a most critical eye.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Julie Schenkelberg... spoon-words, wood-letters... envelope -- the sculpture...


Putting my impression in words is probably similar to the artist's work of putting her "signature"objects
    into an envelope (the sculpture) from which pieces of the story start to sneak out. But what is inside the
    envelope? Can new memories be created? Nothing is more precious then memories. Without memories,
    without the past there's no future.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

flowers, random collage gif

Seeing it Pink. Optimism Art

Optimism as new art trend is what the recent artfairs seem to convey with the atmosphere of festivities, parties and friendly art for everyone.
Art as fun for all.
The artworks that are biggest fun become the show's "fairmark" (landmark) for picture taking. 

Friday, April 9, 2021

Emerald Underwater with sparkles