Sunday, February 14, 2021

Stelly Richie, Summer Diary Black And White Bugs Love series

I thought I should post one of my more controversial pieces (LOL) I remember watching insect porn as a kid on the discovery channel or some nature program and it left a deep impression on me because it got me wondering: so what makes us more superior to them, aside from size? If we have so much in common with even the tiniest insects and organisms, we are far more primitive than we give ourselves credit for; we do the same things flies do -- something about that thought drove me nuts as a kid... But actually we know nothing about how other creatures see the world, even with all our scientific equipment. They could be 1000 times smarter than us and process the world through numerical algorithms or highly complex visual abilities that would cause our own brains to explode. They're not hard-wired to do things as we believe; they just know exactly what needs to be done and are therefore far superior to us ; 

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